Monday 4 April 2011

Flickr Link

Here is a link to my Flickr account which has all of the picture I took at my GAGA inspired photoshoot.

Final Tweaks To my Magazine

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Earlier on the course I researched IPC media as a publisher. As you saw earlier they distributed magazines such as NME.

Here is a link to the IPC Nme website.

As I have had great influence from Q magazine, I have come to the conclusion that for my magazine the media institution that might distribute my magazine is Bauer.

Here is a link to the Bauer Q website.

This is because they have experience with what my magazine is and have already attracted the audience which my magazine is looking for.

However, it is possible to use IPC as the distributer for Musique due to the fact that IPC have a gap in their portfolio for a upper class sophisticated music magazine which has mixed genres but mainly mainstream/pop. This is because IPC only have NME which is more for teens and indie music. 

The problem with using IPC is that it will be harder to attract the audience as it will be in direct competition with Q at Bauer. 

Therefore shows, that Musique is a versatile magazine which can be published at either IPC or Bauer but  in this case due to Bauers experience with magazines such as mine Bauer would be more likely to distribute my magazine. 

In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product?

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Monday 28 March 2011

Tweaks made to the magazine

with feedback from fellow classmates and lecturers, I have made a few tweaks to my magazine to make it look even better.

Lady Gaga Vanity Fair Photoshoot [Behind The Scenes!]

I have recently found a video on youtube which shows what inspired me for my magazine. This clearly shows her outrageousness and her style which is what I wanted to make clear in my magazine.

Monday 14 March 2011

Lesson of 14th March 2011

Today I have started planning my evaluation, I am hoping to make a video for a few of the questions to use different technologies. Today, I also received feedback from the class and my lecturers on my magazine so next week I will tweak my magazine.

Today I added page numbers onto my double page spread and changed the size of a coverline on the front cover, I also moved up the text on my double page spread so it didn't overlap the picture.

Next week I will upload my fully completed version and start on my evaluation.

Monday 7 March 2011

Lesson Of 7th March 2011

Today, I have completed my music magazine. I am very pleased with what I have achieved and is very positive that I will do well in the coursework. I have now printed off my music magazine to get feedback from my lecturer to see if I can improve in anything.

Next lesson I will be starting my evaluation and tweaking anything on my magazine to improve it.

Here is my completed music magazine.

Monday 28 February 2011

Lesson Of 28th February 2011

Today, i started my double page spread. So far it is going really well, I am really happy with the choice of image and my article is coming along really well. In my article next week I am going to start writing about the transition from who she was before gaga to who she is now. 

I am hoping by next week I have finished the article and will have done the double page spread. 

Here is a screen grab of what I have done today. 

Double Page Spread Proposal

I intend to create my double page spread to be "like" an interview but instead of the traditional question and respone shown on the DPS I want to create it like a story of the interview. Q does this too and it helps show sophistication by having it written very well and having a lot of writing in the article too. I also intend my DPS to have background information on Lady Gaga to help show the journey of her as an artist which will be linked to her talking about fame.

I think this is relevant to my target audience as my target audience is for mature music lovers between the ages of 18-40 which means most of them will have been well educated and will be able to read in depth articles and will be more interested in what the artists have to say.

My genre is suitable for my target audience as it covers every type of genre in it, pop genre music consists of many different genres within it such as pop rock. This would mean that anyone between the ages of 18-40 should have an interest in the magazine.

I am intending to incorporate my original images into the DPS by planning on having the image go landscape across the two pages. This is because I really like the image and thought it made magazine have an edge to it which is what i wanted. The image also shows sophistication which links back to how I wanted the magazine to be. If I have room I might also add an image that i took when I saw lady gaga live if I think it looks suitable as I want the DPS to be simple but look classy and have that slight edge too. 

I have obtained information for my DPS by looking on the internet about Lady Gaga and also by reading the feautre of Lady Gaga Q did a few years back to gain inspiration. 

Here is part of the Lady Gaga's DPS in Q magazine. 

The visual style I want for the DPS is to look simple but sophisticated and have the same conventional look of an article, I want pops of colour like red to pop out of the DPS and to have quotes to pop out to attract the reader. The style of writing I am intending to use is formal and have some humour in it.

I want my double page spread to show how powerful Lady Gaga is as a women and also her love for her fans and what she does as an artist. The video I took from the concert I went to on the 16th December 2010 shows all of this and helps show my inspiration for my dps. 

Sunday 27 February 2011

Different Types of Double Page Spreads for a Music Magazine

is where the group or artist is being asked questions and the answers are written up and used in the article, normally the article would have the question written and the response underneath it, but as Q magazine is sophisticated and is for a more mature audience the interview is written up fully and added depth is added, for instance they would tell it like a story which they have done before. For example, saying how the artist was late by 3 hours and they met at a hotel. I am more likely to use an interview in this way as my magainze is very Q influence it would help attract the correct audience who like in depth articles and written well.

Album or Live review-
these articles are when the reporter would either listen to the artists or groups album or go to a live concert and give his opinion on what they thought about. In Q magazine they would give a detailed report and when doing a live review they normally show the set list to give the audience an idea of what to expect if they are soon going to see that artist or group.

Another way Q does double page spreads is like a story of an artist of a groups life. This was seen when it was the 10th anniversary of the death of Kurt Cobaine, the lead singer of Nirvanna. They showed the build up of his suicide and the bands history too, this would be interesting to do, however, i would have to change my main coverline on the front cover to achieve this.

Monday 14 February 2011

Lesson Of 14 February 2011

Today, I have made a few slight changes to the front cover. I added another coverline to fill the page out more and made a subheading underneath the masthead to give it a bit more character to the magazine. Another change I did was to get rid of the box on the left hand side as I felt as if it made the cover look tacky and not well made. Due to the contents, I decided to change the cover line on the right hand side in the circle so i can use images I already have of a different band called boys like girls instead of vampire weekend, this was just easier and saved time. I also changed the colour of the circle so it was more obvious to see and went better with the cover. Here are the screen grabs to show you the differences between the two magazines.

Today, I also started the contents page today and also completed it. I knew exactly what I wanted to do for the contents page and based it a lot on the Q magazine contents page. I was originally going to have more images on the front cover but I noticed it would look to packed and lose its sophistication. I was really happy with the main image on the right hand side of the cover and thought it looked really effective. Here is a screen grab of the contents pages and the differences I made this lesson on the contents page. 

Monday 7 February 2011

Lesson Of 7th February 2011

Today, I completed using photoshop to move the head infront of the masthead. However, photoshop crashed and I wasn't able to use it. I did look at what I did and thought it didn't look suitable for the cover and decided not to use it anyways. Today, I also finished the front cover and is very happy with the result. 

Next week, I will start my contents page and hopefully start my double page spread. 

Here is a screen grab of my front cover

Monday 31 January 2011

Lesson Of 31st January 2011

Today, I carried on doing my front cover, i have developed some really good ideas for my cover. The main problem that occurred today was trying to use photoshop to cut the head out to put it in front of the title. Next week I am planning to get better at my software skills in photoshop and actually cut the head out.

Here is my front cover so far with two different ideas for the title as I need to make it bolder. 

Monday 24 January 2011

Lesson Of 24th January 2011

Today, I have finished my proposal for my music magazine and started doing the magazine cover. I downloaded a font I liked for my masthead called Gabrielle. Next lesson I will continue my front cover and hopefully start doing the cover lines and getting it the way I want it, Here is the start of my music magazine:

Music Magazine Proposal

Monday 10 January 2011

Lesson Of 10th January 2011

Today I have progressed a lot, within the next week I will be taking pictures for my front cover and finish my logo analysis and upload my lady gaga videos.

Analysis Of Music Titles

The use of the title NME shows a lot about what would be inside the magazine. As the title is abbreviated from New Music Express. This helps show what NME is all about. They are all about finding new music and bringing it to you. The use of express could show that you can find out about new music or even just music news quickly which is what NME is also about. 

The use of this music title is a lot more basic rather than NME. It was known that Q was to be named Cue to show the cue for the next track, however they were worried it would be mistaken for a snooker magazine. The reason for the magazine to be called Q is so that it is a lot more prominent on the news stand.

Lady Gaga Photos

Here are some of the photos I took from the Lady Gaga concert. I was quite disappointed in how badly the photos came out so I only have a few i can use for my magazine. When I went to the concert I noticed she wore a lot of leather which has given me inspiration for my cover. I will now base my cover on her but with more of an edge, with more leather and looking more fierce. She also wore a lot of leotards which has also given me inspiration for my cover.

I put them into a powerpoint so its easier for you to see which ones I would like to use due to the fact that I have uploaded so many to flickr but many of them are not worthy to use. 

However, if you do want to view the rest of my images from lady gaga here is the link to my flickr account 

Q research