Monday 4 April 2011

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Earlier on the course I researched IPC media as a publisher. As you saw earlier they distributed magazines such as NME.

Here is a link to the IPC Nme website.

As I have had great influence from Q magazine, I have come to the conclusion that for my magazine the media institution that might distribute my magazine is Bauer.

Here is a link to the Bauer Q website.

This is because they have experience with what my magazine is and have already attracted the audience which my magazine is looking for.

However, it is possible to use IPC as the distributer for Musique due to the fact that IPC have a gap in their portfolio for a upper class sophisticated music magazine which has mixed genres but mainly mainstream/pop. This is because IPC only have NME which is more for teens and indie music. 

The problem with using IPC is that it will be harder to attract the audience as it will be in direct competition with Q at Bauer. 

Therefore shows, that Musique is a versatile magazine which can be published at either IPC or Bauer but  in this case due to Bauers experience with magazines such as mine Bauer would be more likely to distribute my magazine. 

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