Monday 14 February 2011

Lesson Of 14 February 2011

Today, I have made a few slight changes to the front cover. I added another coverline to fill the page out more and made a subheading underneath the masthead to give it a bit more character to the magazine. Another change I did was to get rid of the box on the left hand side as I felt as if it made the cover look tacky and not well made. Due to the contents, I decided to change the cover line on the right hand side in the circle so i can use images I already have of a different band called boys like girls instead of vampire weekend, this was just easier and saved time. I also changed the colour of the circle so it was more obvious to see and went better with the cover. Here are the screen grabs to show you the differences between the two magazines.

Today, I also started the contents page today and also completed it. I knew exactly what I wanted to do for the contents page and based it a lot on the Q magazine contents page. I was originally going to have more images on the front cover but I noticed it would look to packed and lose its sophistication. I was really happy with the main image on the right hand side of the cover and thought it looked really effective. Here is a screen grab of the contents pages and the differences I made this lesson on the contents page. 

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