Monday 31 January 2011

Lesson Of 31st January 2011

Today, I carried on doing my front cover, i have developed some really good ideas for my cover. The main problem that occurred today was trying to use photoshop to cut the head out to put it in front of the title. Next week I am planning to get better at my software skills in photoshop and actually cut the head out.

Here is my front cover so far with two different ideas for the title as I need to make it bolder. 

Monday 24 January 2011

Lesson Of 24th January 2011

Today, I have finished my proposal for my music magazine and started doing the magazine cover. I downloaded a font I liked for my masthead called Gabrielle. Next lesson I will continue my front cover and hopefully start doing the cover lines and getting it the way I want it, Here is the start of my music magazine:

Music Magazine Proposal

Monday 10 January 2011

Lesson Of 10th January 2011

Today I have progressed a lot, within the next week I will be taking pictures for my front cover and finish my logo analysis and upload my lady gaga videos.

Analysis Of Music Titles

The use of the title NME shows a lot about what would be inside the magazine. As the title is abbreviated from New Music Express. This helps show what NME is all about. They are all about finding new music and bringing it to you. The use of express could show that you can find out about new music or even just music news quickly which is what NME is also about. 

The use of this music title is a lot more basic rather than NME. It was known that Q was to be named Cue to show the cue for the next track, however they were worried it would be mistaken for a snooker magazine. The reason for the magazine to be called Q is so that it is a lot more prominent on the news stand.

Lady Gaga Photos

Here are some of the photos I took from the Lady Gaga concert. I was quite disappointed in how badly the photos came out so I only have a few i can use for my magazine. When I went to the concert I noticed she wore a lot of leather which has given me inspiration for my cover. I will now base my cover on her but with more of an edge, with more leather and looking more fierce. She also wore a lot of leotards which has also given me inspiration for my cover.

I put them into a powerpoint so its easier for you to see which ones I would like to use due to the fact that I have uploaded so many to flickr but many of them are not worthy to use. 

However, if you do want to view the rest of my images from lady gaga here is the link to my flickr account 

Q research