Monday 6 December 2010

Reflection Of My Student Magazine

The software I used to create my Student front cover was Adobe In Design, to start off with I struggled to get around the software as it was my first time using it but I finally got the hang of the software. To take the pictures for my magazine I used a digital camera from the college.

            From the proposal I wanted my magazine to be a winter edition as the college I go to has a lot of christmas concerts due to the music department, which made me think of the idea to have a lot of information on what college events are happening and gave me the idea to have a very christmassy concert front cover. However, this did not happen due to the time space I had, there were no concerts happening at the time I needed to take the photographs for the cover. I still wanted to have a winter edition but I needed to find another way of showing this.

           I really struggled to make the magazine look wintery, this was for many reasons. One of which was due to the picture I chose. Even though the picture was very strong and used a lot of techniques like the rule of thirds and the use of parallel lines I struggled for the colours to stand out. I originally wanted to use reds and purples but due to the picture being in the library the red merged with the books and the purple only stood out on the masthead.

           I then came out with the idea of using blues and whites for the cover, I really liked the idea of these colours as it really exaggerated what edition this magazine was and matched with the image. To use the white I mainly had to edit the text to get an outline of blue so you could still read it and make it stand out. I also used a lot of background shapes and put the text over it to make it stand out. I really liked this idea as I thought it represented the theme very well and the colours stood out. I also thought it looked sophisticated but not to the extent that didn't interest the targeted audience which is college students.

            To an extent I followed my proposal quite a lot, the coverlines I thought of I still used but did not use the texts I came up with on the proposal. This was because I did the proposal before getting used to Adobe In Design which meant I didn't know all of the fonts In design used.

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