Wednesday 30 March 2011

Monday 28 March 2011

Tweaks made to the magazine

with feedback from fellow classmates and lecturers, I have made a few tweaks to my magazine to make it look even better.

Lady Gaga Vanity Fair Photoshoot [Behind The Scenes!]

I have recently found a video on youtube which shows what inspired me for my magazine. This clearly shows her outrageousness and her style which is what I wanted to make clear in my magazine.

Monday 14 March 2011

Lesson of 14th March 2011

Today I have started planning my evaluation, I am hoping to make a video for a few of the questions to use different technologies. Today, I also received feedback from the class and my lecturers on my magazine so next week I will tweak my magazine.

Today I added page numbers onto my double page spread and changed the size of a coverline on the front cover, I also moved up the text on my double page spread so it didn't overlap the picture.

Next week I will upload my fully completed version and start on my evaluation.

Monday 7 March 2011

Lesson Of 7th March 2011

Today, I have completed my music magazine. I am very pleased with what I have achieved and is very positive that I will do well in the coursework. I have now printed off my music magazine to get feedback from my lecturer to see if I can improve in anything.

Next lesson I will be starting my evaluation and tweaking anything on my magazine to improve it.

Here is my completed music magazine.